Lead Young Investigator Research Group (f/m/d)

Organizational unit

Institute of Information Security and Dependability - Reliability of Autonomous Dynamic Systems (KASTEL-VADS)

Job description


The Helmholtz Pilot Program Core-Informatics (KiKIT, https://kikit.kit.edu) is looking for exceptionally qualified young researchers who want to start their own Young Investigator Research Group (YIG) within the research areas of the pilot program.

KiKIT Core-Informatics is a pilot program of the Helmholtz Association to strengthen ground-breaking research in methods and foundations of computer science. Core-Informatics is coordinated by the group of Alexander von Humboldt Prof. André Platzer at the Institute for Information Security and Dependability (KASTEL) at KIT, but, organizationally, your group will be associated with a suitable Full Professor close to your research field. A shared secretary will be provided.

Core-Informatics is looking for multiple researchers with a strong research focus aligning with the areas of Core-Informatics:

  • Algorithmic and Software Engineering
  • Machine Learning and Data Science, or
  • Computer Networks and Hardware Architectures

Covering multiple areas is a plus. We expect an active contribution to the Core-Informatics Program and a close collaboration with the Principle Investigators. Additionally, the applicant is expected to become a KIT Research Fellow as required for participation in PhD defenses.

KIT provides the Young Investigator Network (YIN) which supports this early career stage. Additionally, the YIG is associated with a full professor, who provides mentorship.

Starting date

As soon as possible

Personal qualification

We are looking for multiple post-doctoral researchers in the early career stage who have excellent academic qualifications and a strong international reputation. Skills in acquiring third-party funding and leading scientific working groups are a plus.


EG 14 (salary table of the state), if the professional and personal requirements are met.

This is what we offer

This is primarily a research position: Core-Informatics provides the funding for the applicant's position and at least one doctoral researcher (E13) incl. overheads for travel expenses etc. until the end of 2027. Additional doctoral researcher positions can be requested in accordance with the KiKIT goals. Teaching and attracting third-party funding is not required, but possible, supported and desirable for the qualification of a professorship.

Contract duration 

3.5 years (the funding of the research group is guaranteed until end of 2027)

Closing date for applications


Technical contact person

Before applying, you should approach one of the associated PIs of KiKIT to gain a Letter of Support. They also may help you to sharpen your research statements.

Domain-relevant Information can be asked by the area chairs:

For general aspects you can contact one of the speakers: Prof. André Platzer or Prof. Peter Sanders. For organizational questions you should get in touch with the executive manager Dr. Alexander Weigl.

Please hand in the following documents:

  • A motivational letter
  • A full CV including your full publication list, additionally indicate your 3 publication highlights
  • A research statement, which states the future research and the alignment and relevance for Core-Informatics. You may include statements for your teaching and plan for qualification
  • Names of references should be provided

Additionally, a Principal Investigator of Core-Informatics must declare support and mentorship by handing in a Letter of Support.

Please apply online using the button below for this vacancy number 122/2024.

Vacancy number: 122/2024

We prefer to balance the number of employees (f/m/d). Therefore we kindly ask female applicants to apply for this job. Recognized severely disabled persons will be preferred if they are equally qualified.


Personnel Support is provided by:
Personalservice (PSE) - Human Resources
Ms König
Phone: +49 721 608-25011,

Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany